Friday, May 7, 2010

Forgotten Exercises

There are so many exercises to choose from in this day and age that it can almost be overwhelming, so many of my posts will be dedicated to helping you choose the proper ones for your field. Many young people forget the importance of bodyweight exercises when it comes to strength and conditioning. I know many of you still do your pull-ups and even push-ups, but many just focus on exercises with weights; however, thinking back on developing as a child athlete, what do you remember doing? I recall two upper body "exercises" that really increased strength and stamina.
One exercise that has helped me out enormously is the handstand. I know... sounds very childish, but I promise it helps. When you start you might be discouraged with your lack of balance and stamina, but you will quickly improve. After a week, I guarantee you will be able to maintain a handstand for at least a few seconds, and you will activate many stabilizing muscles in the shoulders and back that you have not used in a long time. Look at breakdancers, THEY ARE JACKED, all from manipulating their body weight. From doing this I noticed a ten pound jump in my military press in one week. TEN POUNDS. I know that sounds crazy but it is true. Hopefully, you will experience the same gains from trying this.
Another exercise that I am experimenting with is the classic midget football drill, the bearcrawl. This can develop your whole upper body very quickly. I have recently been studying the movements and posture of silver-back gorillas, noticing their enormous upper bodies. Although humans are much different, I believe bearcrawls can be a key tool in developing the upper body. I encourage you to start incorporating them into your routine; I have, so I will be posting on the effect they have on my strength gains.

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